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Design for Depth: Creating the Perfect Wave for Gifted Learners
Why Design for Depth (3:47)
Surface Level Learning vs. Deep Understanding (6:38)
Demystifying Differentiation (4:39)
Beyond the Label
Valuing Both Strengths and Weaknesses (10:04)
Prioritizing Productive Struggle (6:08)
Reinforce the Right Things (4:16)
Create a Culture of Willingness (6:51)
The DMLE Framework
Engage: Igniting a Willingness to Invest (11:02)
Experience: Providing the Opportunity to Learn (6:33)
Empower: Connecting to Beyond the Classroom (11:02)
Evidence: Looking for What They Need (8:08)
Extension or Extra Support: Meeting Them Where They Are (9:50)
Final Thoughts
The DMLE Template (6:46)
BONUS Material: Resources for Early Finishers
Creating the Perfect Wave (2:54)
Reflection Opportunity
Empower: Connecting to Beyond the Classroom
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